Saturday, September 10, 2011


If your closet is all organized and such you have to know what amazing clothes to put in it so visit Fashion Alert  to find out alll the latest trends in fashion.

Friday, August 12, 2011

So Cute!

Want something cute and easy storage? Here is the perfect thing, it maybe be a lil kiddy but so cute!
                                       Animal Storage Stool $10,


Thursday, August 11, 2011


The ikea catolog is out! Order here -> Ikea Catalog Ordering
I love ikea for there modern and sleek style but still has some off beat beautiful pattern andd crazy items

A little Extra Space!

The easiest way to automaticly give your closet some rooom for your fabulous clothes............
Double Hanger Closet Rod!

                        The Container Store $10,TheContainerStore

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Make it bigger, Make it brighter

Good evening,
Everyone loves a bigger room , right?
Well here are some tips to fool the eye without make your wallet go boom.
  • First try to rearrange your furniture to maximize your floor and overall room's space.
  • Put up shelfs! It opens up your floor so more stuff!
  • Get small and comfy! I know not all of us want to get rid of our huge spacious bureau, but a cubic shelf with boxes in it is way smaller but still ubber chic!You can even get boxes to totally color coordinate.
  • Hide-a-box! Put boxes (short enough to fit) under your bed.Instant space, and then just add a bed skirt to hide it.
  • Mirror mirror on the wall. Put a mirror directly across from a window, so that way the light relects of and makes it look bigger and brighter
  • Keep clean! What's the point of having all the cute storage bins if your never use them??? Keep your stuff organized, it's way easier in the mornings!
   Also remember just because you have floor space doesn't mean you need to clutter it up!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

How to clean and organize your closet

I have some major tips for clean and organize your closet.
  1. Seasonal rotaitons
          Rotait your clothes by season.
         Just put the oppisite seasons in boxes and slide them up onto a shelf.
        Also remember keep your frequently used clothes and items at or below eye level.

   2. Two words : Container Store!
      There are tons of local container stores all over america.
They have tons of really usesful (and adorable) containers  and other items that could help you be ubber organized.

   Here are a few links to help:



I'm here to help you turn your room into an amazing place where you can go relax,find everything in seconds,and be able to cordnate with school and anything else life throws at us.
I'm not just gunna be bloging about this i'm gunna put in action,cause to be totally truthful my room really needs it! I mean it's a fairly good sized room, but who does'nt want a bigger room (and clostet : D)
I'm gunna try to blog as often as possible, but remember i do have a life (and also i need time to test these ideas out.


Every once in a while i'll speak in french.